How do I export data out of Chiro Cat?

The owner of the business location in Chiro Cat is the only user who can access the area for exporting the database. If you aren’t sure who that is please reach out to Support.

  1. Go to on a web browser and download the free application onto the computer where you want to store your data.
  2. On that same computer, go to Chiro Cat and go to Settings > Cloud Settings >
  3. Click the button "Export Database"

While the export is running you can then add the connection to Cyberduck, but you should first locate the credentials needed under the Cloud Settings:

  1. In Cyberduck click the + at the bottom left, this brings up another window
  2. At the top where you see FTP (File Transfer Protocol) you’ll click that drop down and select ‘Amazon S3’ from that list
  3. Then enter the corresponding Chiro Cat credentials into Cyberduck
    1. Access Key ID – Access Key ID
    2. Secret Key – Secret Access Key
    3. Bucket
      1. To enter the Bucket credential you will need to click ‘More Options’ in Cyberduck, then enter the credentials in the ‘Path’ field
  4. After the credentials are entered you can exit out of the screen and double click on the new connection showing on the main Cyberduck window
  5. Once connected you’ll see the folders Exports > Chiro Cat, from here you can double click or right click to start the download to your computer.

Keep in mind the SOAP note .csv will look like an excel spreadsheet. If you desire pdf/print out versions of SOAP notes for patients like PI for example. It may be best to use the option to print/save all of those patients' SOAP notes to your computer as well.